Find Your WHY To Stay Motivated For Your Best LifeHave you heard the saying, what motivates, motivates?
I learned this idea many years ago and at that time it seemed like a huge revelation to me. Today this thought came to me again and it made me wonder what does it really mean? How Do You Motivate Yourself? Is motivation something that comes from outside of ourselves, like a coach or a mentor? Or does motivation come from the inside? Do you or can you rewire your brain to keep you motivated? Is it your WHY that keeps you on track to reach a goal, accomplish a task that motivates you? I have written many times about finding your WHY and then taking action to accomplish your goal. In business, we hear this all the time. Find your WHY and you will never be stuck again! The same goes for our health and fitness. The WHY is 95% and how is 5%. Yet so many feel it is the other way around. Meaning so many are looking for the how-to accomplish their goals and this is not the way it works. So, is it true what motivates, motivates? We say yes. How can you unlock your motivation now? Many times, when we are setting goals to get healthy and fit it seems that the focus is on the wrong things - you know following highly restrictive diets that make us miserable and then we wonder why we have lost our motivation! Or we choose an exercise program that isn’t suited for us, so we quit and don’t show up. Our motivation is at it’s lowest and mostly we feel like a failure asking ourselves why we can stay on the diet or exercise. I don't think you can be motivated and miserable at the same time and expect to succeed, do you? Find the joy with your WHY for your desire to change. Now, this is something that you do need to be careful with because sometimes the WHY is clear, the action steps are exactly right and you are close to succeeding yet not feeling motivated at the moment, so tread carefully on this one! Change takes time and keeping your WHY front and centre in my experience will keep you on track. My WHY became extremely clear when I watched my mother have an accident where she broke her hip and needed a full hip replacement. It was a horrible thing for my mother to go through and the recovery time was long and challenging. It was at this time I knew if I didn’t make changes in my life, I was going to be my mother twenty years in the future. This WHY has kept me motivated and on track ever since. You see I was 100 lbs overweight, had been diagnosed with 3 autoimmune issues and life was a daily struggle. When I realized that if I didn’t change how I lived my life, my future was not going to be good. It was at that moment that I decided my future was mine and I was the only one that could make the changes. My WHY became clear at that moment, to regain my health, reduce my weight by 100 lbs, get fit and know that my future was going to be one of health and vitality. The very next day I borrowed a Tai Bow exercise video and began working out in my living room. It was hard and I could not even do a full twenty-minute workout. Yet every day I did the program and added a few more seconds to my workout. Within a few short weeks, I was doing the whole twenty minutes. It has now been over twenty years of daily exercise, learning how to eat a real food diet, because way back then the way I ate was terrible, lots of processed food, junk food, coke, coffee and just plain crap. My body, my health and my life were a true expression of how I was living. Unmotivated and struggling. Today I am a different person and my WHY has been the motivating factor all these years. Finding your WHY will help you stay motivated too. The other situation that may challenge your motivation is the contrast in your life. Contrast is who you relate to or who you may look at as a role model or support. So, for example, if you decide you will walk as a part of your exercise practice and yet you have a friend that is a marathon walker you contrast may be skewed! This may cause you to feel unfit, unmotivated and all you want to do is quit! So be careful who you contrast with! I do believe in the saying what motivates, motivate and have learned a long time ago to figure out what causes me to take action, to stay the course when there is no help, no support and I feel all alone in my goals. When I have a clear focus on my WHY and my core reasons for the goal, nothing will stop me. So, what motivates you? What is the WHY that will motivate the action steps for you to achieve your health and fitness goals? Share your thoughts on what motivates, motivates in the comments. Be sure to get in touch with us if we can help you. Subscribe to our newsletter here
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