Healthy Eating Ideas For Your Best Life Food is meant for the human body as sustenance and nutrition. Truly, that is its only intent. It is meant to provide essential nutrients that work to support internal bodily process and nutrify major organs. It provides us with energy and is essential for the proper physical development of children. Healthy eating eludes many people today and we are seeing the consequences of this everywhere. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes and stroke are a few of the illnesses that are chronic. It doesn't have to be this way. You may be continuing unhealthy eating patterns without even knowing it. You may need another wake-up call around ways you can eat healthier in order to avoid the complications that come from poor nutrition and poor eating habits: You Eat Food That Has Been Created In A Factory Instead of cooking with fresh life-affirming real organic ingredients, you might be choosing to eat highly processed foods, which are high in preservatives and are usually high in salt and/or calories. Take the time to cook a meal with fresh real life-affirming real ingredients, which are healthier foods. Find a nice selection of home-cooked meals you can put into your own personal cookbook. When you cook for yourself, you know exactly what has gone into making any particular meal and you have the peace of mind that comes with knowing what you put into your body. If cooking at home is not a practice for you, the easiest way to begin is find 3 recipes you will enjoy and then learn how to make them until you are comfortable cooking them. Then learn 3 more. Over a year you will have 12 new recipes that you are now skilled at. Enjoy. Be sure to share the recipe you enjoy the most in the comments. My best recipe is turmeric, cayenne pepper, black pepper chicken wings, with baked carrot fries and a Caesar salad. You Finish Your Meal Before Anyone Else If you are the first one done eating at the dinner table, you are probably eating mindlessly and are not savoring your meal in healthy ways. Chowing down your meal within a few minutes can lead to indigestion and a second helping, which can lead to weight issues over time. Instead, consider taking a moment to have gratitude for your day and the food you are about to eat that will nourish your body. And then consider eating more slowly, taking part in whatever conversation is going on around the table. Your hormonal signal to turn off eating takes about 20 minutes so if you finish much sooner than that, you will feel hungry even when you have taken in enough calories, which typically results in eating more food than you really need. Share how you eat mindfully in the comments below. We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!"
Create Habits to Stay MotivatedIt should come as no surprise that the habits we form will determine our success or failure. After all, habits already dictate a lot about our lives. If we, for example, eat large amounts of highly processed food regularly and don’t exercise, we can expect to have physical consequences for our actions. That’s why it’s so important to form good habits so that we can reach our fullest potential. What’s even more interesting is the fact that these same good habits can help us to stay motivated and inspired when it comes to realizing our goals. Let’s look at some examples: 1. Take care of yourself. If you’ve ever been sick then you know it’s impossible to be productive, or even to have a positive attitude when you’re not feeling good. That’s why it’s so important to take charge of your health. Carrying excess weight not only weighs you down physically but also drains your energy, impacting productivity and, ultimately, long-term health. I speak from personal experience, having carried an additional 100 pounds for years. Life was considerably more challenging during that time. Setting up some healthy habits such as making fitness a part of your daily health practice, or making changes in what choices you make each day on what foods you choose to eat will help you to stay inspired and motivated because you’re feeling better when your body is in sync. Your improved health makes this a win-win all the way around. 2. Revisit the reason you’re doing what you do. We talk a lot of your WHY. You can read more about finding your WHY here,…/the-six-pillars-of-health, and When you make goals, you tend to feel that initial surge of enthusiasm for the project. Sadly, this motivation tends to wane over time. Build a habit that encourages you to revisit the WHY goal to bring that inspiration and motivation level back up. For example, if you’re doing something that will benefit a specific health or fitness goal practice each and every day to ensure that stay on track. 3. Be proactive. Take charge of your health journey. In the mid-nineties, I faced being out of shape and 100 pounds overweight, heading towards serious health issues. Witnessing my mother's hospitalization for a hip replacement compelled me to change. The next day, I began my proactive health and fitness journey, starting with a fitness video and gradually increasing my efforts each day. Over time, I shed 100 pounds, revamped my diet, and transformed my lifestyle. With dedication and perseverance, anyone can adopt and maintain healthy habits for a brighter future. 4. Focus on the small stuff. If you’re dealing with a big goal, such as weight loss, it’s easy to lose your motivation when it feels like you’re not making progress. Having small goals gives you milestones to celebrate and builds motivation back. These kinds of goals come from small changes, like planning to eat a little differently (cutting carbs, eliminating gluten and sugar for example), or in taking the stairs instead of using the elevator. 5. Surround yourself with people who motivate you. That is an easy habit for you to build, in that it involves choosing a little more carefully what company you keep. Building a habit of meeting with this group on a regular basis not only keeps you motivated but has the added benefit of cementing relationships with those around you. Building good habits is an awesome way to stay on track to reach your goals. The best part? As with any habit, if you do it enough, you’ll wind up acting without thinking, making motivation an automatic part of your life. How cool is that? Share any thoughts on how to create habits stay motivated in the comments below. We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" The 5 Habits You Need to Change to Boost Your Brain PowerHabits can be wonderful things. While most people think of habits initially as bad things you need to conquer, good habits are the ones keeping you on track, like reminding yourself to brush your teeth every morning or to drink water throughout the day. Did you know there are habits you can add easily to your daily routine that will boost your brainpower? Let’s look at five changes you can start making today and get you on track to creating the best version of yourself. 1. Sleep This one should almost go without saying. Sleep is how you recharge and prepare yourself to face the new day. What you might not realize is sleep is what helps you to process your day. Without deep sleep and the dream state, you would never be able to deal with whatever trauma you went through during your waking hours. By getting enough sleep, you’re hitting the reset button on your brain, allowing it to work through the rough stuff so you can start the next day with a clean slate. 2. Get Up When the Sun Does Pay attention to Circadian rhythms. By starting the day at dawn, you’re putting your body in sync with the world around you. People who are out of sync are those who experience all manner of problems, from obesity to depression. To keep your mood stabilized, start the day early, and go to bed when it gets dark. 3. Use Fish Oil If you’re not into eating a lot of fatty fish in your diet, a fish oil supplement will give you the Omega-3s so crucial to your good health. That is what’s needed to repair your brain cells, with the added benefit of guarding you against memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s. 4. Practice Mindfulness You might already know meditation will help you reduce stress, and give your brain a break. Were you aware meditation is also responsible for stopping the loss of brain cells and even reversing the effects of ageing? Meditate for at least 5 – 10 minutes every day to see a positive benefit. 5. Do Weird Stuff To grow new connections in your brain and keep your neurons firing, you need to challenge it regularly. Take up a hobby, learn a language, or try something new for a definite jumpstart to get your brain going. Even doing the same old routine in an alternative way can have a positive benefit. So, brush your teeth with the opposite hand or try going a different way to work to jump-start the process. As with any good habit, the key is to do these things every day for the best benefit. Boosting your brainpower is very simple. Commit to building new good habits starting today. After all, there’s no time like the present! Share any ideas on developing new habits to boost brainpower in the comments. We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" Let The Pillars Of Health Guide YouThinking - the first pillar to health or really everything we do in life is how we think. James Allen says it best, "A man is literally what he thinks." You see there are several things that you will have to change, take care of, adjust and get used to in your life when you decide to move toward a healthier lifestyle. This is where the first pillar comes in when learning how to eat in more life-affirming ways for example. You will need to take a moment to realize how you eat, and how that is going to impact all the areas of your lifestyle. I read somewhere that you may want to take a moment to grieve for all the foods that will no longer be included in how you eat. Yet as you grieve for the loss of what you think you are losing also realize there is an opportunity to be grateful! Now you can begin to heal, feel better and simply get on with living because you will now be moving toward a healthier and more vibrant future. At least this is how I have experienced. Breathing - now is the time to breathe in new life for you. Take time to breath, (in through the nostrils for the count of 4, hold for the count of 4, and release through pursed lips for the count of 8) This can be a stressful time making the changes and breathing will help you connect with this moment. Realize in this moment you are moving forward to a new life with new opportunities for health and wellbeing. Enjoy this as you learn how to eat well and feel well! Hydration - today so many people are dehydrated. It is important to drink 1/2 your bodyweight in ounces of water daily. Water for me is clear, colorless, odorless and tasteless. I hear a lot that the reason water is not the drink of choice is because people don't like the taste. If you use the definition provided there will be no taste. The easiest way to begin enough drinking water daily it to have 1 glass on getting up in the morning, 1 with each meal and snack, that would be 5 glasses of water, 2 with exercise and finally 1 before bed. (That could be an hour before) Now here is what you will want to consider. If you drink no water today, my suggestion is to start a bit more slowly adding water because you will go to the washroom more. The benefit on drinking enough water for hydration is many people mistake thirst for hunger. Therefore, they are eating when really they are thirsty. If you feel hungry drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If you are still hungry then go ahead and eat. Nutrition - How much thought are you putting into your eating practice? Have you made the decision to eat life-affirming organic real food? Most don’t put much in and then wonder why they are not getting good results. Eating REAL FOOD, organic is best, local is a good choice. Home-cooking is a way to know for sure that the ingredients in your foods are the best quality for you and your family for each and every meal and snack. Eliminate SUGAR & ALL GRAINS is the easiest place to start. Dr. Tom O’Bryan states that “No human can digest gluten.” Exercise - is as simple as moving! Get off the couch and move. Go for a walk, do something fun, bodyweight exercise, kettlebells, skipping, go for a bike ride or even sprinting are all exceptional ways to exercise. The most important point is to find an activity you really enjoy and do that activity often. It is really important to exercise and including it in your day is simply important for good health. Sleep - the forgotten health benefit. In today's world of fast pace, 24 hours of lights, never any real darkness in the city sleep is simply not taken as an important factor for health. I listened to an interview with Robb Wolfe and he said if people just got more sleep so many of the health problems today would disappear. We must get more sleep. We need more sleep because this is when the body repairs. Get to sleep by 10:30 pm. Wind down prior to this time. Physical Repair is between 10:00 pm and 2am. After 2am the immune/repair energies are more focused on mental repair, which lasts until we awaken. So, there you have it. The Six Pillars of Health. Begin with your thinking, begin to see what you are grateful for and live in that moment. Move on to breath in the moment, easily and effortlessly. Stay hydrated. Eat Well. Exercise! And get a great nights sleep. As you begin your journey start with one of these pillars. When I began my path to feeling better and reducing my weight I began with drinking water (Hydration) because I felt this was something that I could do every day and see my success. It is important to see you are moving toward your desired outcome. This is the WHY. Once you feel you have that pillar under control move on to the next. Take the journey is small steps that you can do, succeed, and feel good about what you are doing and then do it again with the next pillar of health. We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" Remember WHY To Stay InspiredRemember WHY you started in the first place to make a change. The problem with staring a goal in the face for too long is that you get so hyper-focused on the task at hand that you’ve forgotten why you’re there. WHY did you choose this goal? Ask yourself what exactly are you trying to reach. REMEMBER THE DREAM. And then remind yourself of this often. By taking a step back and looking at the big picture, you’ll be able to recapture that initial excitement that led you to take on the goal in the first place. You see a goal doesn’t have to lose its excitement just because the newness has worn off. By keeping the WHY clear, you can easily stay inspired as you go, thereby keeping up not only your energy but your momentum as well. We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" Health Quotes & Ideas For Your Best LifeIdeas and quotes that might make you think a little bit differently about health today 1. “Your body hears everything your mind says.” ~ Naomi Judd 2. Did you know that being overweight puts every system at risk – including your eyes? Diabetic glaucoma is one of those risks. 3. “A well-spent day brings happy sleep.” – Leonardo de Vinci 4. Cut off caffeine drinks by 2 pm and go to bed instantly when tired – don’t wait. 5. “Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” ~ Ralph Marston 6. Always wash your hands thoroughly when taking out or putting in your contact lenses. (How many do that, do you think?) 7. Not only does smoking age your skin, but it also causes cataracts, macular degeneration, and optic nerve damage. 8. Our foods and diets are no longer “pure”. It’s now essential to eat a life-affirming organic real food diet cooked in your own kitchen. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables. 9. “Most of us think we don’t have enough time to exercise. What a distorted paradigm! We don’t have time not to. We’re talking about three to six hours a week – or a minimum of thirty minutes a day, every other day. That hardly seems an inordinate amount of time considering the tremendous benefits in terms of the impact on the other 162 – 165 hours of the week.” - Stephen Covey 10. If something is not working in your life, get rid of it. The results will be less stress and better health. 11. Handwashing is never a “suggestion”. Wash thoroughly with soap and scrub for at least fifteen seconds before rinsing thoroughly. 12. “When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no ‘I’ll start tomorrow.’ Tomorrow is disease.” V.L. Allinear 13. Eating good organic yogurt or kefir can improve bladder health by strengthening cells and helping balance acidity. 14. “When it comes to nutrition, I am an ‘anti-perfectionist.’ I am a lot more concerned with building a consistent routine that you’re actually going to stick to, rather than building the perfect diet.” - Thomas Frank 15. Consider Installing an air filter in your home if you have pet allergies. And be sure to let someone else brush him – outside! 16. People who are too rooted inhabit are using the same worn neural pathways. Exercise your brain by doing new things. 17. Did you know that the higher the alcohol content, the higher the calories, when it comes to wine? 18. Human beings are like car batteries: we start short-circuiting and run out of steam if we don’t keep topped up with water. 19. “The difference between try and triumph is a little umph.” – Marvin Phillips 20. Instead of that second cup of coffee, wait 10 minutes; then have a glass of water. 21. Step away from the computer. Go do some stretches. NOW! 22. “Your journey to a healthier weight is not a journey that you start and then give up. It is a journey that you are living every day for the rest of your life.” - Thich Nhat Hanh 23. To get your child interested in healthier foods, ask her/him to help you prepare and cook them. 24. If you are not in the habit of drinking water, start with 1 glass then make the next 5 soda water. As you get used to drinking water, start cutting down on the soda. 25. “It is better to make many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” - Proverb There you have it random health ideas and quotes! Well, you know that nothing is random and if you are reading this at least one of these ideas is exactly meant for you to read to help you improve your health today by giving you another way of looking or thinking of your situation today! Share the best health idea or quote that most resonated today? Our personal favourite is #9 and we practice good movement each and everday. We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" The Benefits Of Exercise To Help You UnwindIt may seem counterintuitive but use exercise as a means of unwinding. The benefits will help you deal with stress which means you’ll unwind quicker than without regular exercise. It doesn’t require extreme routines to get the full benefits of exercise. We enjoy a variety of exercise and find that including walking, bike riding and weight lifting a big part of our life. Walking fifteen minutes per day will do wonders for helping you unwind from our experience. Just the act of getting away and thinking while you are walking will be beneficial. For those that like more varied exercises, there are plenty of places available that will cater to your needs. Let us know how you use exercise to help you unwind from the stress in your life? We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" Use These Tips To WIN With Your Health & Fitness GoalsHere at Vision Quest Wellness we enjoy lifting weights, doing "cardio", high intensity training, stretching and we have been doing it for a long time. If you are new to the idea of lifting weights and getting healthy and fit this article might be of interest to you. We want to share a couple of simple ideas to help you achieve your health & fitness goals once and for all. Check it out here. 1. Keep Things Simple As you begin your new health & fitness journey, it is so easy to become overwhelmed. Thinking about which workout program to start, what foods to eat, what time of day to fit in your training can get in the way of your overall goal. Fitness, as well as life in general, it is best kept simple. The best workout program for you to consider starting is the one you will stick to, period. Also, your nutrition should not be rocket science. You know what foods are good for you, real organic fruits and veggies, pastured protein and wild-caught fish are the best choices and certainly, we all know what is junk foods that we must avoid. The biggest determining factor pertaining to your success for your health and fitness is your consistency. Move well, eat well to be well is the motto that we stand by. 2. Set Reasonable Goals The media does a remarkable job of making drastic body transformations seem like an overnight process. We are constantly bombarded with images and television commercials promising that if you buy their equipment or take a certain supplement, you will look identical to the models used to promote these products. Even more comical is the timeframes reported by these advertisements. How many times have you heard, “In just 15 minutes per day, 3 times per week, you will finally have those six-pack abs?” This is all nonsense, as physical changes to your physique do not work this way. Fitness is about the long game. As you begin your journey, it is critical to realize that while you WILL see progress, it doesn’t happen overnight. Therefore, instead of planning on going to the gym 7 days per week and eating nothing but rice and chicken from a Tupperware container, set goals that you can stick to. Read this again. Set goals that you can and will stick to. When I began this health and fitness journey over 25 years ago, I made my goals simple. Do my exercise, drink water and eat as well as I could at that time and over the years the eating part of my journey has been where I have been able to make the biggest improvements for my health, my weight and my fitness over time. Start small, like holding yourself accountable to 3 workouts per week and become an expert in the kitchen learning how to cook 3 recipes that will be your go-to meals and build on this. 3. Develop A Strong “Why” As we have already discussed, health and fitness is about consistency. Remember this, the incredible sense of motivation, inspiration and enthusiasm you feel at the start WILL come and go. If your only goal to work out is to “look better,” there are going to be a lot of days in which that is simply not enough. If you are going to stick to your health and fitness goals this year, and for your lifetime, developing YOUR WHY will be the most important thing you do so that it is strong enough to stick it out when the motivation cools off, the excitement isn’t there and you’d much rather stay in and watch television instead is vital to your succeeding along the way to achieve your goals. Your “WHY” has to be unique to you. Find whatever that is and use it to push through the hard days! For me, my WHY was seeing my mother lie on a hospital bed for 2 days waiting for a full hip replacement. There was that moment when I realized if I didn’t start to make changes in my life, I was going to be my mother in 20 years. You see I was about 100 lbs. and had no energy, had already been diagnosed with 3 autoimmune health issues and if I didn’t make changes my life and health were only going to go downhill. I’ve heard it said that if you know your WHY and the how is simple. What is your WHY and how can we help you achieve your health and fitness goals? We've created a course for you - 🌟 Unlock Your Best Self with "Walk Toward Fitness - A 7-Day Journey to Fitness One Stride At A Time" Welcome to a seven-day odyssey specifically crafted for dynamic women over 40—a journey designed not only to revive your connection with fitness but to redefine your path toward holistic wellness. If you're ever curious or considering taking a step towards fitness, feel free to check it out at this link: No pressure, just sharing in case it piques your interest. We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" Bite-Sized Steps To DisciplineOne of the ways that people struggle with developing self-discipline, is trying to make too many changes at once. Not just by doing more than one goal at a time, but by making those goals way too large. Either of these approaches tends to lead to failure. An example of too many goals at once might be someone choosing to quit smoking, go on a diet, exercise regularly, build a successful business, and get out of debt. All of these are good goals that can be done. If you try to do them all at once, though, you will probably find it to be too much and quit. This is one of the reasons why resolutions rarely work out. Instead, focus on one or two of these for at least 1 to 2 months and make them consistently a new habit first, before tackling new goals. For example, take quitting smoking, you might start with that one since it has the most negative impact both on health and finances. So start with the commitment to quit smoking. You could spend a couple of months getting rid of the cigarettes. Then once you have completely quit smoking, you can move on to the next goal or goals on your list. You may find changing your diet and exercising more overwhelming goals because they are big ones. These require you to develop new habits and daily practice. So, another tactic to help you with discipline is to break them down into smaller goals. Instead of telling yourself you will quit eating highly processed foods and drinks, maybe you break it down into this week you cut your soda intake in half, then week two you cut it out completely. If you do this week by week making one SMALL change, you may find it easier to stay in control. We wrote a blog post that you might find useful - Small Changes - Taking the First Steps to Health, Fitness and Happiness - Another way you can break it down is by intensity. So say you want to exercise more, but you have not exercised in years. If you start with something like a full workout, you may give up or get injured and then be unable to exercise at all. So instead of going full tilt, you can start by doing mini-workouts at a lower intensity for a few days, and over time add more minutes to your workout until you reach at least 20 to 30 minutes of activity. You can also over time increase the intensity of your workout as you get stronger and in better shape. By breaking down the goals into bite-sized steps, you can make it easier to develop the discipline you need to accomplish them. You will also improve the chances of success in changing your habits and daily health practices. How do you create discipline in bite-sized steps? We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" Walking Safely Tips For Your Best LifeWe enjoy getting outside for a walk and have shared our ideas on the benefits of walking safely many times. Here is one of our most popular blog posts - Embrace the Transformative Magic of 30 Minutes Daily Walking - here is the link Walking is a wonderful way to move well, enjoy nature and feel good. If you are ready and excited at the prospect of starting your walking program to get fit this post is for you. Today we would like to share some ideas for you to get walking safely for your best life. 8 Tips for Walking Safely • Check with your doctor When you decide it is time for you to get fit the first thing to do before starting, check in with your doctor to make sure you are well enough to walk. Those with a chronic health problem, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes may get special instructions from the doctor about things to watch out for. • Don’t fall for the myth of ‘no pain, no gain’. Walking is one of the fun ways to exercise and pain is a sign something is wrong. Listen to your body. And if you experience chest pain, dizziness, palpitations, or shortness of breath with walking or any exercise, see your doctor. • Start slowly When you begin your walking program don’t try to get up to the suggested goal of 10,000 steps per day overnight. See how many steps you are doing already in the course of your regular daily practice, and gradually add a few hundred more steps per day until you reach your desired goal. • Buy proper-fitting walking shoes Walking shoes should fit well and offer good support for the feet and cushioning for your joints as you stride along. I have a couple of pairs of shoes and wear a different pair each time I go for a walk. • Don’t forget to warm up and cool down Start each get-fit walking session with some gentle stretching. Then start to walk, and gradually pick up speed. At the end of your walk, slow down to cool down and finish off with some gentle stretching. • Observe good walking form To avoid injury with your walking program, you must walk with your chin up, shoulders slightly back, and toes pointed forward. Your heel should strike the ground first, and your weight should then roll forward onto the ball of your foot. Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle and swing or pump your arms at your sides as you walk. Do not to clench your fists. • Check your speed with the talk test If you can carry on a full conversation normally, you are walking too slowly. If you are so out of breath you can barely speak, you are walking too fast. Find the balance between the two to help you get fit with your walking program. • Stick to a schedule Pencil in your dedicated walking sessions on your calendar and treat them as seriously as you would any other important appointment in your day. Follow our top safety tips to get fit. You will see great results from your new walking program. Your turn. Share your ideas that have helped you with walking safely in the comments below. We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" Simple Hacks To Help You Build Good HabitsNo surprise that creating good habits isn’t easy. Here are six simple hacks that will make it a little easier. Use them until you’ve internalized the new habit and don’t need them anymore. Schedule It And Put It On The To-Do List Sometimes we forget to do that new thing we say we are going to do. Maybe we forget that we’re supposed to be having eggs for breakfast instead of a stack of waffles, or that we need to get that daily walk in. Schedule your new good habits or make them part of your daily to-do list until they become something you do automatically. Make It Public and Be Accountable Let family and friends know what new good habits you’re trying to establish. They will call you out if you don’t stick to your plan and get you back on track. You may even go as far as sharing it publicly on Facebook or write a blog about your new journey. Knowing that others read it and know about it might be just enough to keep you going when you feel like throwing in the towel. Piggyback On A Habit You Already Have Whenever possible, add the new good habit to the one you already have. For example, if you fix a cup of tea or coffee at 4 pm, and you want to get in the habit of taking a daily walk, make the new ritual to go for your walk and then come back and enjoy your tea. It’s much easier to amend an existing habit or ritual than creating an entirely new one. Make Slipups Costly Here’s a fun idea. Put a jar on the kitchen counter and each time you slip back into your bad habit or forget to stick to the new one you have to put five dollars in the jar. It will quickly help you remember to skip that sugary food and motivate you to go out for that walk. For extra motivation donate the money to charity at the end of the month or hand it over to your spouse to go spend on him or herself. Find A Partner and Help Each Other Along Find someone with the same or similar goal. This could be a workout partner or a diet buddy. Keep tabs on each other and encourage each other to keep going. It’s much harder to skip a walk if you know someone else is depending on you being there. Make It A Group Challenge If one accountability partner is good, a whole group is even better. And they don’t even need to be local. Find a supportive group online and challenge each other to stick to your new good habits for the next 30 days or so. Not wanting to be the first one to give up will keep all of you going until you establish that new habit. Give these simple little hacks a try. Keep using the ones that you find helpful until you have made new good habits you can stick with without the help of any tools or support. You turn. How will you make good habits for life! It would be great to hear how you create good habits in your life? We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" What is Grounding & Why Grounding is EssentialSummer is finally here and the weather has been beautiful. This is a great time to get outside and put your bare feet on mother earth. We do our best to get outside at least once a day and practice grounding by putting our bare feet on the earth. It feels great and there are benefits. Check it out. Grounding, also known as earthing, is a way to connect more with nature. When you are grounding, you typically touch physically with the Earth’s surface, like sand at the beach, the ocean, the dirt, and the grass. It is an amazing part of living naturally, and so easy to do. Understanding What Grounding Is Grounding is often called earthing because you are spending more time with direct physical contact with the earth. It doesn’t have to be your feet, though that is more common. Any time your skin touches the earth, you start enveloping those negatively charged electrons. It is such an amazing way to relax, reduce anxiety, reduce stress, and improve other important body systems. Benefits of Grounding Not sure why you must consider grounding? Here are some excellent benefits: You can reduce stress and tension – One of the top benefits people get from earthing or grounding is reducing stress and tension and relieving their anxiety. It helps with your circulation – The negatively-charged electrons of the earth can also improve your circulation and even reduce inflammation in the body. You feel centred – Want to feel more centred and in control? Try grounding! Get outside, walk in the grass without shoes on, and suddenly everything makes so much more sense. It can improve your balance – Many people have also found that grounding improves their balance. It has this way of balancing out your entire body and improving your strength and footing. Do you get the chance to put your bare feet on mother earth? We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
Sign up today and let's embark on this transformative journey together!" Ideas To Help You Develop A Walking PracticeNot sure how to get started with your walking practice? It is simple and we will share how You Can Easily Incorporate More Walking into Your Fitness Practice. If you have been wanting to get all the health benefits from walking but struggling to find a way to fit it into your fitness practice, we can help! Here are some super easy tips that will help you walk more each and every day. Walk Instead of Drive A simple way to get in a few more steps each day is to walk places that are within a reasonable walking distance. Sure, if you are getting a week’s worth of groceries, walking back from the store isn’t convenient. But if you are running an errand that is a 10-minute walk from your house, why drive? Consider all the places you drive to that you could easily walk to. This might be picking your kids up from school, dropping your dog off at the groomer, dropping a book off at the library, or going to Starbucks for a quick cup of coffee. There are probably many missed walking opportunities in your regular schedule. Take Your Dogs on Longer Walks Many people with dogs often just let them out in their backyard to go potty and get some sunshine, but walks are important for them and for you! Most dogs love going on walks, whether it is a light stroll once a day, or you take them to the park for longer walks. Consider going at least 1-2 times a day where you don’t just let your dog out to potty but use that as an opportunity for a longer walk. Take a different route in your neighbourhood, find a local dog park, or head somewhere quiet that you know dogs are allowed. Get Your Family Involved A super-easy way to walk more without thinking much about it is to involve your family in the new fitness practice. Walking is so much easier to do when you aren’t going alone and only have yourself to rely on when it comes to motivation. Maybe your partner or spouse wants to go in the evenings, or your kids want to walk with you over the weekend. Grab some friends on your lunch break at work to walk for a few minutes after eating lunch. Share any of your ideas on how you are developing a walking practice. I'm thrilled to introduce "Walk Toward Fitness - A 7-Day Journey to Fitness One Stride At A Time." Picture this as your personal guide to kickstarting a healthier, more vibrant you. Let's make a commitment to your well-being and welcome the upcoming year with genuine enthusiasm! Throughout the 7-day course, I'll be your companion, helping you lay the foundation for success. We'll delve into essential steps, from assessing your starting point and uncovering your powerful "WHY" to setting SMART Goals. I'll share insights on maintaining proper form and posture during your walks, highlight the importance of tracking your daily steps, and even show you how photographs can be your accountability allies. We'll underscore the value of consistency, embark on a Stress Relief Walk Challenge, and celebrate the joy of walking every day. My personal journey with daily walks began in 2017, and since then, I've walked over 3 million steps in the first year alone. Tracking my steps for the past 7 years, I consistently rank in the top 5% for my age group. Walking has not only been a stress-reliever during challenging times but has also brought immense joy to my life. This course is not just a fitness routine; it's a reflection of my personal journey, showcasing how walking has not only been sustained but has also evolved into a source of profound health and fitness benefits over the years. If you've ever toyed with the idea of taking a step toward fitness, feel free to explore more at this link: No pressure at all—just sharing in case it resonates with you. Let's make each step count together! We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ideas, or comments below. Your insights could spark inspiration and encouragement for fellow readers on their path to better health. Remember, you're not alone on your transformative journey. If you ever need guidance or support, feel free to let me know. We're here to help you thrive every step of the way. Subscribe to our newsletter here - Let's Build Health & Fitness Newsletter Sign Up Today! Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Join our exclusive newsletter community and unlock the tools, tips, and inspiration you need to thrive! Subscribe now to receive:
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